Do bed bugs bite dogs?

Do bed bugs bite dogs?


As an animal behaviorist and pet expert, one of the most common questions I receive from dog owners is: “Do bed bugs bite dogs?” The short answer is yes. However, there’s much more to this story than a simple affirmative response. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between bed bugs and dogs, the risks involved, and how you can protect your furry friends from these pesky critters.

Bed Bugs: A Brief Overview

Before we delve into their interaction with dogs, let’s first understand what bed bugs are. Bed bugs are small insects that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. They’re primarily nocturnal creatures who prefer to feed on their hosts while they’re asleep. Their bites are often mistaken for mosquito or flea bites due to their similar appearance.

Although humans are considered their preferred host due to our lack of body fur making it easier for them to access our skin, these opportunistic pests won’t hesitate in biting pets if they can’t find a human host nearby.

The Relationship Between Bed Bugs And Dogs

So now that we know that bedbugs do bite dogs let’s explore this relationship further.

Dogs have different reactions to bed bug bites just like humans do. Some might show no reaction at all while others may develop red bumps or rashes similar to those seen in humans. In some cases, severe infestations can result in loss of sleep which could lead your dog becoming irritable or experiencing changes in behavior.

However, unlike fleas and ticks which live on their hosts’ bodies after feeding off them; bedbugs return back into hiding once they’ve had their meal – usually within mattresses or cracks in furniture where they’re hard-to-detect until it’s too late.

Risks Involved For Dogs

While not as dangerous as other pests, bed bugs can still pose several risks to dogs. The most immediate risk is the irritation and discomfort caused by their bites. Dogs may scratch or bite at the affected areas, potentially causing secondary skin infections.

In severe infestations, where multiple bed bugs are feeding on a dog regularly, anemia could become a concern although this is rare. However, it’s worth noting that bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases to dogs or humans.

How To Protect Your Dog From Bed Bugs

Protecting your dog from bed bugs involves a two-pronged approach: preventing an infestation in your home and checking your dog regularly for signs of bites.

To prevent an infestation in your home:

– Keep your house clean and clutter-free as this reduces hiding spots for these pests.
– Regularly wash bedding materials in hot water.
– If you live in an apartment building with a known infestation issue, consider using mattress encasements or interceptors to protect your beds.

Checking your dog for signs of bites can be tricky due to their fur. However, common signs include red bumps usually on their belly or lower parts of their body where fur coverage is less dense. You might also notice changes in behavior such as excessive scratching.

If you suspect that there’s a bed bug problem at home; it’s best to engage professional pest control services instead of trying DIY solutions which often prove ineffective against these resilient insects.


In conclusion: yes – dogs can indeed fall victim to bothersome bed bug bites just like humans do. While they don’t pose serious health risks; they can still cause discomfort and distress for our furry friends which no pet owner wants. By being vigilant about prevention measures and keeping an eye out for potential signs; we can ensure our pets remain safe from these pesky invaders.

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